What is a Nature-based Solution?
A Nature-based Solution is any action that conserves, restores, or improves the use or management of natural ecosystems while increasing carbon storage and/or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions that can be considered a “natural” climate solution.
Developing green infrastructure, including natural climate solutions, has become a focal point for government policy and spending to boost economies for post-pandemic recovery.
RPKLA offers nature-based solutions in the realms of Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity, read further below to learn more:
57 USD Billion
in water flooding damages averted by mangroves in China, India, Mexico, US and Viet Nam each year
One Third
of climate mitigation needed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement can be provided by Nature-based Solutions
170 USD Billion
estimated global benefits in ecosystem services from Nature-based Solutions focused on climate
RPKLA offers the following biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation solutions;
Elimination of high-maintenance lawns, which involves reducing the corresponding use of fossil-fuel-based fertilizers and fossil-fuel-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers
Increase diversity of native tree and plant species
Native plant gardens
Increase use of plant species pollinators rely on
Educational and Interpretative Signage
Urban Forestry
Parks and open spaces, which include trees and grasses that sequester carbon.
Habitat creation/restoration, which can increase the number of trees and plants in a landscape, remove invasive species, and improve the overall health of natural systems, and the amount of carbon stored in landscapes.
Green Infrastructure at RPKLA includes the elimination of high-maintenance lawns, which involves reducing the corresponding use of fossil-fuel-based fertilizers and fossil-fuel-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers. RPKLA offers the following green infrastructure solutions:
Green Streets
Green Roofs
Rain Gardens

Did you know?
The direct benefits and ROI of Nature-based Solutions include:
Carbon sequestration
Reduction of air particulate matter
Stormwater runoff reduction
Reduction of hot summer temps
Improved habitat
Reduction of energy usage
Human health benefits