For the Love of Public Space
Though it may be hard to believe here in the snow-covered Northeast, the start of Spring is just over a month away. As we celebrate this Valentine's Day, we chose to espouse our love for public spaces and the different types of places we live to design and build as we begin to envision the warmer months ahead. We are excited to show you the proverbial box of chocolates available to choose from as we showcase our favorite types of public places we enjoy creating.

Green Therapy - How you can benefit from health-promoting greenspace
As the warm summer memories begin to fade and the fall finds us slowly moving towards colder months, our thoughts continue to dwell on the importance of healthy places and spaces found outdoors. So often we hear about the benefits of things like greenspace, parks, and public spaces having an opportunity to benefit the health of ourselves and others - but what does this supposed health benefit actually mean, and how can we benefit from it?

Landscape Designing for Healthy Living
Landscapes that surround our homes, workplaces, and other areas are vital for our mental and physical well-being. While these changes may not be readily visible, they certainly occur gradually, resulting in positive vibrations and improved health. Landscape designs range from backyard and garden designing to the creation of public parks & places, as well as walking trails outside our offices. Landscape designing and urban green development encourage us to spend more time outdoors while ensuring quick and convenient access to green spaces as well as a host of wellness amenities for better living.