A New Community Solution - Placemaking at the Farash Foundation in the East End neighborhood of downtown Rochester, NY
As we wrap up 2021 we are reflecting on some of the major transitions and transformational projects that we hope to amplify and carry into the New Year. As you may have seen in previous blog and social media posts RPKLA (in addition to making vibrant outdoor places at your home) has started prioritizing efforts that impact the public realm and the human condition from places as nearby as your backyard to projects that have the power to shape neighborhoods.

Landscape Designing for Healthy Living
Landscapes that surround our homes, workplaces, and other areas are vital for our mental and physical well-being. While these changes may not be readily visible, they certainly occur gradually, resulting in positive vibrations and improved health. Landscape designs range from backyard and garden designing to the creation of public parks & places, as well as walking trails outside our offices. Landscape designing and urban green development encourage us to spend more time outdoors while ensuring quick and convenient access to green spaces as well as a host of wellness amenities for better living.